Pat and I lived next door to each other for many years in Seaford before we really met. Typical English keeping ourselves to ourselves and then one day we met her brother outside who said he was moving out because Pat was now ill and needed the space. Because I knew her daughter worked I spoke to Natalie and said because I was now retired would it be okay if I popped round now and again and had a cuppa with Mum.
Thats how our short friendship started but I will never forget Pat, we had so much in common. I think being born around the same time we had so much to talk about, from the 1950’s to this present day, plus of course often putting the world to rights. I think we covered every subject. At that time Pats memory often seemed better than my own. The time went so quickly before we knew it her Grandchildren were home from school and then you lost Pat because it was obvious she so loved them even when Oliver was in trouble for riding his scooter up and down so proudly infront of her. She always made our tea by the way almost up until the time she had to go in a home, even insisting I had a Biscuit. ( I knew I would find someone to blame for all this weight Ive put on!)
I used to visit Pat weekly in her new home and then of course Covid struck. Up till then she would still natter away quite freely. It was obvious through the many conversations we had how much she adored her two girls and their children. She would often tell me about when Vicky and Natalie were children themselves.
I used to love my visits with Pat and her Golden Retriever so was very Sad to hear she is no longer with us. I hope she is now at Peace with no more suffering.
I just want to say to Natalie and Vicky,
“she loved you dearly”